Anderson Bluu x Hulu: Christmas Holiday posters
In 2023, Hulu partnered with Anderson Bluu Studios to create a series of holiday-themed posters for their exclusive seasonal movie lineup. The collaboration aimed to amplify the holiday spirit while promoting the movies Elf, Fred, and Jack Frost on Hulu’s platform.
Who: Anderson Bluu Studios partnered with Hulu, a leading streaming service, to bring festive cheer to their holiday marketing campaign.
What: Designed three custom posters inspired by Hulu’s exclusive holiday movies: Elf, Fred Clause, and Jack Frost. Each poster captured the essence of the film while reflecting Anderson Bluu’s signature artistic style.
Where: The posters were prominently featured on Hulu’s app and digital platforms, reaching millions of users during the holiday season.
When: This festive collaboration took place in 2023.
Fred Clause: